VET-CERT – Qualification as a Way to Quality

VET-CERT is a Leonardo da Vinci project developed and coordinated by ARQA-VET in cooperation with 12 national and international project partners.
The exact project title is: Qualifizierung als Weg zur Qualität: Zertifizierung von Personen mit Funktionen innerhalb von Qualitätsmanagementsystemen in der beruflichen Erstausbildung sowie in der Erwachsenenbildung (Qualification as a way to quality: Certification of persons holding functions in quality management systems in initial VET and in adult education).
With the VET-CERT project the competence development of persons in quality management functions in initial VET and in adult education should be fostered. This will support the professional implementation of the Quality Initiative VET (QIBB) and the implementation of the Ö-CERT framework in adult education as well as the implementation of the European reference framework for quality assurance in VET (EQARF) in both sectors.
Professionally qualified and certified persons (principals, school quality process managers, regional quality process managers, quality managers in adult education etc.) should receive a comprehensive understanding of quality management tools and the possibilities they offer.
link to project application pdf