3s research laboratory
Wiedner Hauptstraße 18
A-1040 Vienna
Tel: +43 1 585 09 15-15
Fax: +43 1 585 09 15-99
Contact person:
Jörg Markowitsch
Project Team:
Karin Luomi-Messerer
Stefan Humpl
click to view partner presentation (in German only)
Role and Tasks in VET-CERT:
3s will – together with ÖIBF - support the coordinator regarding conceptual issues and development work. 3s will be the main responsible partner for the development of a curricular framework for the training of the different target groups in the different VET sectors and the development of a concept for the certification of persons holding quality functions after finishing the proposed trainings.
About 3s research lab
3s is one of the leading VET-research organisations in Austria. We are experienced in the design of projects in the fields of knowledge, learning and work, and in the development of methods, tools and instruments for anticipating and assessing qualifications and competences, and we are experienced partner in European projects (Leonardo da Vinci, Socrates, LLL,..). 3s is member of the Austrian Reference Network from CEDEFOP and is providing expertise to Austrian Ministries or the European Commission, e.g. on Qualification Frameworks or credit systems.
Our current research focus are: continuing vocational education and training in Austria and Europe; Labour market and qualification structures in Austria; Development and quality assurance in Vocational Education and Training; Internationalisation in the field of education; European Transparency Instruments.