öibf - Austrian Institute for Research on Vocational Training

Margaretenstraße 166/2
A-1050 Vienna
Tel: +43 1 310 33340
Fax: +43 1 319 7772
Contact person:
Peter Schlögl
Project Team:
Judith Proinger
Manon Irmer
Regine Wieser
Click to view the partner presentation (in German only)
Role and Tasks in VET-CERT:
The öibf will be responsible for two core products of the VET-CERT project: The stocktaking report about the current situation concerning the proposed topic in Austria (WP 2) and the competence profiles for different target groups holding quality management functions in VET.
Additionally, the öibf will give support to the development of other important tools (WP 3) and will also support the VET-CERT dissemination (organisation of the final conference together with OeAD/ARQA-VET) and exploitation activities.
About öibf:
öibf's mission is to carry out high-quality research and development in order to support and promote activities and policies concerning vocational education and training (VET). In our work we focus particularly on innovation in education and the interrelation of education and the labour market. We are active both on the national and international level.
The commitment to the academic standards of scientific research and a high degree of professionalism ensure sound results and good relations to cooperation partners, clients and contracting institutions. Our expertise and dedication has been central to the successful completion of more than 1350 projects during the last 35 years.
An interdisciplinary approach to complex issues and research question entails the integration of fragmented and isolated results from different scientific disciplines thus ensuring a comprehensive and multi-faceted investigation of the different aspects of VET. Apart from applied research and development öibf also carries out basic research focusing on scientific methods. back