Media Centre
Recommendations for the implementation of VET-CERT products and results
Recommendations for Implementation in Austria (773 kb) in German
Recommendations for Transfer in partner countries (606 kb) in German
Certification Concept
VET-CERT Certification Concept (1.4 MB)
Curricular Framework
"Quality Management in Vocational Education and Training" (1.8 MB)
Competence Profiles
School Quality Process Manager(SQPM) (37 kb)
Regional Quality Process Manager (LQPM) (37 kb)
School Inspectorate (97 kb)
Federal Quality Process Manager (BQPM) (36 kb)
Outline for the Development of Competence Profiles and Implementation results (118 kb)
Complete PDF (Outline for the Development and all the Competence Profiles (267 kb)
VET-CERT Stocktaking Report - Executive Summary (328 kb)
VET-Stocktaking Bericht (only in German) (4 MB)
VET-CERT Newsletters
Newsletter Ausgabe 1 (15-12-2011) (388 kb) only in German
Newsletter Ausgabe 2 (31-05-2012) (181 kb) in German
Newsletter Issue 2 (25-07-2012) (621 kb) in English
Newsletter Ausgabe 3 (22-11-2012) (387 kb) in German
Newsletter Issue 3 (29-11-2012) (468 kb) in English
Newsletter Ausgabe 4 (31-01-2013) (377 kb) in German
Newsletter Issue 4 (31-01-2013) (371 kb) in English
Project information materials
VET-CERT folder in German (, 131 kb)
VET-CERT folder in English ( 281 kb)
VET-CERT poster in German (, 320 kb)
VET-CERT poster for the Austrian Conference on VET Research 2012 in German (, 640 kb)
VET-CERT Logo ( 58 kb)
VET-CERT Logo klein ( 8.4 kb)
Pictures and Videos
VET-CERT Midterm Conference, 12th of January 2012
Kick-off Conference 17 March 2011 in Vienna
Gallery (50 pictures) - German version only
Videos of the presentations and diskussion German version only
Introductions of the project partners - German version only