Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Vocational Education and Training (CPI)
Center Republike Slovenije za poklicno izobraževanje
Ob zeleznici 16
SL-1000 Ljubljana
Tel: +386 1 586 4218
Fax: +386 1 542 2045
Contact person:
Jure Šuligoj
Project Team:
Darko Mali
Saša Graši?
Jure Šuligoj
Role and tasks in VET-CERT:
CPI has the role of the National reference point for Quality Assurance in VET in Slovenia. Its main role is to inform all stakeholders about EQAVET and the results of the EQAVET network in order to implement the Framework in the Slovenian VET system and to improve Quality Assurance of VET at system and provider level. Therefore CPI will contribute to the project results based on our experiences with introducing school self-evaluation and with comments and feedback during the whole project duration. CPI will prepare a plan of dissemination of the project results based on the activities of the National reference point.
About CPI:
The National Institute for Vocational Education and Training (CPI) is a public institution which was founded in 1995 by the Government and co-founded by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia and the Chamber of Craft of Slovenia. In accordance with the legal basis passed by the Organization and Financing of Education Act (Official Gazette No. 12/96), CPI performs research, developmental, and advisory activities and is the focal point where interests of the state and social partners in vocational and technical education converge, coordinate, and connect their activities. It studies development trends in labour markets and prepares profiles of occupations and competence-based vocational standards, develops methodologies, and prepares module-based educational programmes of short-term, secondary as well as post-secondary vocational education. CPI evaluates the implementation of vocational education programmes and fosters quality development and self-assessment of VET providers. back