EQAVET projects

In the framework of Life Long Learning Programme under the Leonardo da Vinci Programme five EQAVET projects were accepted for the period of 2011-2013. The general aim for the EQAVET projects is the development of national concepts for the improvement of national Quality Assurance for the Vocational Education and Training (VET) by fostering the implementation of the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework for VET.

The other four EQAVET Projects are:

Supporting the implementation of EQAVET in the Netherlands
Coordinator: CINOP Netherlands  www.cinop.nl

Quality Assurance Tools for VET Institutions
Coordinator: Kunsill Malti Ghall-Kwalifiki Malta  www.mqc.gov.mt

Capacity Building for the Romanian NRP: Promoting Quality
Coordinator: A.R.A.C.I.P. Romania www.aracip.edu.ro

Europäisierung der nationalen Modelliniatitive zur Qualitätsentwicklung und - sicherung in der betrieblichen Berufsbildung
Coordinator: BiBB, Germany www.bibb.de

More information via EQAVET at www.eqavet.eu.