VET-CERT - Qualification as a Way to Quality

Quality Managers in Initial Vocational Education and Training (IVET) and in Continuing Vocational Education and Training (CVET) work with important and challenging issues. To meet the challenges of Quality Management high level professional and personal competences are required.

VET-CERT as one of the Leonardo da Vinci/EQAVET projects contributed to the further professionalization of Quality Managers by developing guiding recommendations for competence profiles, for supportive training models as well as for a certification concept whereby prior acquired competences of the quality personnel will be made transparent and recognized.

VET-CERT project closed on the 31st of January 2013.

We would like to thank you all the numerous persons and organisations who have contributed their valuable experiences and work to the implementation of the project and thus made it possible to accomplish such impressive results and products. Dear project partners, associated partners, school quality process managers, regional quality process managers, principals, representatives of the school inspectorates and federal quality school process managers, members of the development team and all you others who were involved with VET-CERT in its various phases - with your support we made it! Thank you very much for your cooperation and efforts!


On the new QUALI-QIBB webseite you will find more information about the pilot training courses which will start in October 2013. All information in German only!